Words Words Words...
The reaction to the condition of your heart.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

a gentle kiss from afar

As I gazed into the sky at the sun, I began to think about the trip that I someday would make to the Kingdom of Heaven. How beautiful it will be to stand in the Father's presence as He will someday welcome me Home. I wonder how the trip to Heaven will be? Will there be a line of children waiting to arrive in the Father's arms, while being greeted with a pleasurable smile and an intimate embrace? As the ski-lift gradually brought me to the top of the mountain, I couldn't help but wonder this. The sun shinned so brightly through the trees, the clear blue skies screamed warmth which was deceiving in the midst of the noon-ness on this very cool January day, the wind breezed gently along my cheek bones as my hair blew in the wind, the sun seemed to warm my eye-lids as I closed them imagining the encounter that I would someday experience. As I tried to imagine an image of my Lord, I envisioned a shadow that had a vast deepness of love swirling amongst my being of soul. The warmness to His tone was an exact representation of His voice that I had once heard calling my name in comfort asking for my trust in Him. As I felt the warmness of the sun breathing down upon my profile, I imagined the gentle softness, but all together boldness of His voice speaking to me as I made my way to the gate of His Kingdom. Somewhere in my unpretentious thought, I had sub-consciously imagined only one reservation, which now looking back doesn't seem all the accommodating. As the ski-lift continued to make its way up the mountain, I began to envision the line of people waiting in a very formal but eager manner, waiting in such a manner of awe but in excitement and longing anticipation. There were many accommodations waiting in our Father's house, once we reach heaven from the journey that we have lived out on Earth. As I drew closer and closer to the Groom, my heart longed more for His touch. At this moment I was a bride waiting to enter His chambers, His chamber full of hyssop and flowing myrrh. As I longed to reach the warmth of the Kingdom, and enter into the King's chamber, the lift brought me to the peak of the mountain. I gently and slowly opened my eye-lids and the warmness flashed away like a gust of wind blowing out a flaming candle wick. With a slight sense of disappointment, I slid down off the ski-lift seat and plumped myself down upon the snow mound in preparation for take-off. As I turned my praise music up and began to make my S's down the slope, I thought ahead to the Day that I would enter into His chambers.

"Let him kiss me with the kisses of his mouth-
for you love is more delightful than wine.
Pleasing is the fragrance of your perfumes;
your name is like perfume poured out.
No wonder the maidens love you!
Take me away with you-let us hurry!
Let the King bring me into his
Song of Songs 1:2-4

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