Words Words Words...
The reaction to the condition of your heart.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day

Have you ever just had one of those days where you just can't shake off the 'bad mood' attitude? Yesterday seemed to be this day. I usually have a pretty happy-go-lucky personality but yesterday one who was around me probably would not have referred to me as having a peaceful personality type. I don't know what the deal was but the whole day was a big 'uncomfortable situation.' It just seemed that I found so many things to be ungrateful for.

Complaint 1:  I was out of toothpaste.

Complaint 2:  I was very very very hungry and praying for grace to get through the day.

Complaint 3 & 4:  As I went about my day, I grew very frustrated with the coldness of my classroom and became agitated beyond measure with my students. It seemed to be that the heater was not working properly in my classroom and even the students were wearing their winter coats. None of the students seemed to be following directions and they just were loud beyond measure. Hmmm... who would have guessed that second graders talked so much?

Complaint 5:   Then I was stuck behind cars that seemed to be afraid to do the actual speed limit.  You know... there are posted limits on signs for reasons.

Complaint 6: Then the coffee shop seemed to forget my 'toffee nut' flavoring in my Americano.

Complaint 7 & 8 & 9: Then I went to the FCS-renewal meeting at IHOP and as I walked through the door, I was quickly swept away like a sardine in a trial sized aluminum can. I felt like I couldn't breath and quickly became closterphobic and easily agitated with people-mostly students, who were showing any presence of a manifestation of the Spirit. I mean really... who makes any noise or movement when the Holy Spirit is upon them anyway? After walking around the building for about a half hour, I finally found a seat but only to be crawled over and upon about every 5 minutes by hot-sweaty-smelly bodies trying to make their way to and fro the front of the stage.

Complaint 10:  I was having a very bad day.

Believe it or not a PRAISE crept in:  During the FSF service, there was yet another call for healing. I felt that I was especially not in the right mood or mind of sanity to pray for healing. I think I was the one who was in desperate need of healing.  I specifically told the Lord how I felt and about my stubborn mood.  I should've expected a suddenly but I didn't.  The woman who was sitting next to me just happened stand up for healing. I felt as if I was required to pray for her. I assumed this was the Spirit leading me to pray because in my stage or frame of mind there was no possibility of any sort of elegance coming from my mouth in prayer... nope nothing else but Him (isn't this how it should always be anyway?) There was also a man praying over her. He was using a lot of big words and very expressive motions but quickly left her when his prayer ended. I grouchily prayed "Lord bring your healing and bring her body back into alignment." The Spirit then pressed it into my mind that it was caused by an injury. I then prayed (grouchily of course) "bring healing over any past injuries that her body has endured for You-Lord are worthy of her praise and worthy of her thanksgiving." Nothing outrightly seemed to happen and I sat down while trying not to focus on the crowded auditorium. She sat down next to me for about 10 minutes and then disappeared into the crowd. All of a sudden she appeared on stage and proclaimed that the Lord had healed her hips!!! She had just had a baby and had been struggling with her hips being out of alignment. When we were praying for her they popped back into place! I just sat there mystified and thankful that the Lord is so faithful! Even through my own stubbornness and grouchiness, He still worked through my prayer! I now say to myself... of course He did because it's not any power that I posses on my own that can bring healing. It's actually the Spirit dwelling within me and the power of God that brings healing. He is always faithful although I am not, He is always loving although I am not, He is always full of mercy and I am not, and He is always Big and Powerful and I am simply small, weak, sometimes irritable, and all too needy.

As I left the FSF service, still in a somewhat grouchy mood (def. 'dark but lovely') I was reminded of how faithful God truly is. I was realizing how big of a ‘brat’ I had been this day, but I was more focused and amazed at how awesome He was and is. I am so thankful that He is not anything like me, although I am praying daily to be more like Him. When He wants to work and bring healing, He doesn’t ask you to come and pray in a happy mood, without sin, or without agitation. He simply says “come as You are.” “Come to My house of praise just as you are.”

He is all together lovely. This is my faithful friend. This is my God.

More Praises: 
  1. I am thankful for toothpaste that is free of diethylene glycol (a chemical in antifreeze).  Warning for the reader... do not buy toothpaste made in China it could be hazardous to your health.  Buy Crest it's the best.
  2. I am thankful for having a job, while because of the economy so many do not right now. 
  3. I am thankful for having a school to teach out of, while some schools are not left standing, let alone having children that are alive (Haiti). 
  4. I am thankful for students who are proficient in the english language, even if they speak some Swahili on the side or in the halls. :-D 
  5. I am thankful for living in a country that has equal rights for women, while some countries don't allow women to drive, let alone the other equality determining factors that affect their lives. (Martin had a dream for a reason.)
  6. I am thankful for COFFEE!  Yes, I believe there will be coffee in Heaven!  Although God has told me that I won't be addicted to it in Heaven.
  7. I am thankful for a wonderful Church that truly believes and lives out the Word of God.  I am thankful for the teachings that have been instilled in my heart. 
  8. I am thankful for the church buildings and prayer rooms that we have, while some countries are not as fortunate.
  9. I am thankful for the freedom to speak of Christ, the freedom to worship, and the freedom to evangelize and teach about Christ.
  10. Last but most importantly, I am thankful for a God who loves, heals, and saves.

I am randomly reminded of one of my favorite children's books... "Alaxander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day."  Maybe next time, I will move to Australia. :-D

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