Words Words Words...
The reaction to the condition of your heart.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

the world in your hands

Another year has begun at RIS. This year I am teaching first grade and have been blessed with so many beautiful children from so many different countries. I have to say that I feel like I have the world in my hands. If it's possible for God to give you the world, than I feel like that's just what he's doing. My class consists of 8 different countries: Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Afghanistan, Azerbaijan, China, Korea, and USA. It's actually quite breath taking to think that I have a part in shaping so many children's lives from all over the world. In a way it's a very humbling experience. I have already begun to learn so much from these children, and I can only imagine how much I will learn from them this year. Yes, teachers just don't teach but they learn. What good would a teacher be if they didn't learn too? Now only if I could begin Arabic lessons.

my beautiful first graders silly Osama

crazy chicken game friends

boys in trouble again just kick'n it

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