Words Words Words...
The reaction to the condition of your heart.

Monday, December 27, 2010

Home for Christmas

Home for the holidays! I couldn't imagine being anywhere else for Christmas.  I've always made it a priority to be home in Indiana for Christmas.  Although I've missed numerous thanksgivings, birthdays, and other important events... apologies go forth.  Christmas has been my one rule. Through all the different cities, countries, and continents... I've seemed to always make it homebound for the jingle season.  I hope that this is always the case during this important festive celebration, "inshallah" I say.  His Will over mine.  What a wonderful time it has been with family and friends, although I didn't get to see everyone... maybe next time.  They will be in my thoughts and prayers.

So here I sit at the airport, drinking a vanilla latte, bags checked, and my new "mac" out- typing away.  Yep, I upgraded... I now own a mac! I absolutely love it... but it will take some time to get adjusted.  Maybe I can take a tutorial class or two once getting back to the UAE.  Unless your reading this, are in my current city, and want to give me free lessons? Coffee will be on me. :-)

A wonderful Christmas in Indiana, heading to a Spirit filled 4 day conference in Kansas City! Holy Spirit rain on me! Aauugghh how I have longed for my home away from home in a different home.  Yes, that may be a little confusing but somehow it's true.  Kansas City has captured a piece of my heart, it's all about His House of Prayer.  I am coming to realize just how important His House... or Houses of Prayer are.  My heart has been on fire lately when thinking about His House of Prayer.  Transform me to have more Zeal for Your House Lord. Transform this heart to be Zealous for what You are Zealous for.  I'm so stoked about this conference! Can't wait to see what He has in store!

So with that said... Here I am, gett'n ready to board another plane (although a shorter flight this time).  I have come to realize that there are two things that I had taken for granted while living in the States... tall boots and IHOP!  Funny thing is... I'm now wearing boots to IHOP! Hahaha!

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