Sounds wonderful but at times it is so difficult.
I failed to love today. Easily said. I failed in this department.
Let the frustrations of the day surround me and my emotions.
Let selfishness rise up and take control. Like it's really all about me anyway?
How I am supposed to be this living light of love... I fall short all too many times.
Teach me how to love. Teach me how to love the ones that seem so unlovable.
Let me not fear to love despite the circumstances that are faced.
Let not fear rise up and take control... for perfect love casts out all fear.
Let not anger rise up and take control... for anger works not the righteousness of God.
Jesus, help me be swift to hear, slow to speak, and slow to anger.
Knock out my selfish tendencies and rise up the living flame... that You so loved me with.
How I was once dark, drugged, and ugly beyond measure.
You - A Beautifully Redeeming Man... came with arms wide open.
Loved me unconditionally and set Eternity into my Heart.
How You renewed my mind, my heart, my soul, my body.
You told me...
"Love Me. Love Me with all of your heart, with all of your soul, with all of your strength... and love them."
Love them. Love them. Love them.
It rings... but help it cut deep.
I hear You saying... "Love Me by loving them."
How I have failed in this area. Forgive me and teach me My Lord.
Jesus teach me. Teach me to love as You love.
Teach me to love without standard, without measure.
For You will say... "Assuredly, I say to you inasmuch as you did it to one of the least of these My bretheren, you did it to Me."
Help me give all to all for Your Name's sake.
For what reward is there without love?
Thank you that Your compassions fail not, that they are new with me every morning.
You are faithful even when I am not.
Teach me to love. Teach me to be more like You.
Sounds wonderful but at times it is so difficult.
I failed to love today. Easily said. I failed in this department.
Let the frustrations of the day surround me and my emotions.
Let selfishness rise up and take control. Like it's really all about me anyway?
How I am supposed to be this living light of love... I fall short all too many times.
Teach me how to love. Teach me how to love the ones that seem so unlovable.
Let me not fear to love despite the circumstances that are faced.
Let not fear rise up and take control... for perfect love casts out all fear.
Let not anger rise up and take control... for anger works not the righteousness of God.
Jesus, help me be swift to hear, slow to speak, and slow to anger.
Knock out my selfish tendencies and rise up the living flame... that You so loved me with.
How I was once dark, drugged, and ugly beyond measure.
You - A Beautifully Redeeming Man... came with arms wide open.
Loved me unconditionally and set Eternity into my Heart.
How You renewed my mind, my heart, my soul, my body.
You told me...
"Love Me. Love Me with all of your heart, with all of your soul, with all of your strength... and love them."
Love them. Love them. Love them.
It rings... but help it cut deep.
I hear You saying... "Love Me by loving them."
How I have failed in this area. Forgive me and teach me My Lord.
Jesus teach me. Teach me to love as You love.
Teach me to love without standard, without measure.
For You will say... "Assuredly, I say to you inasmuch as you did it to one of the least of these My bretheren, you did it to Me."
Help me give all to all for Your Name's sake.
For what reward is there without love?
Thank you that Your compassions fail not, that they are new with me every morning.
You are faithful even when I am not.
Teach me to love. Teach me to be more like You.